A Personal Welcome from Sparky :)
   Hello, and Welcome to FurryDate.com. My name is Sparky. I know why you are here. I have been there, and it is no easy task to find the right mate, being a furry, bronie, or therian.

   With the growing number of dating sites for our unique sub-culture, there has to be that one service, run by older, long term furrys, that care enough to be serious and dedicated about helping you find that one person that, makes you whole. We have great hopes that we have created that site. We hope Furry Date will grow into the single place where our little sub-culture can find someone, wether a friend, a mate, or a perfect match.

   Please join with us and explore the furries, bronies, and therians that have made our home, their home.

   NOTE: We have moved to a NEW SERVER! Dec. 07, 2022 If you spot any problems, please let us know :)
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